Do you have the doubt whether to carry a hat for the first time in your maternity bag? Many moms have this doubt for fear of swaddling their baby too much. At Motherkiddo, we are going to explain why are hats important for babies, especially in the season when temperatures drop.


Have you ever noticed that babies tend to have cold hands and know how to keep baby’s hand warm and feet regardless of the ambient temperature? The reason is quite simple: Babies do not know how to regulate their temperature from birth. Therefore a hat is essential to control your body heat. Much more when the cold begins in autumn-winter. The temperature of a baby is usually between 37º and 37.5ºC.

It is for this reason that putting a hat on the newborn just at the moment it is born. Professionals usually put it in before giving it to the mother. However, it is true that when it has just been born and is given to the mother, it is more important that the baby is naked so that it has skin-to-skin contact with its mother.

Another reason why mothers wear the hat is that the head of a newborn is usually irregular and in this way it is not so visible.


After two months, your baby becomes less vulnerable. But it still can’t regulate the temperature properly. In general, babies can control their body temperature on their own from the age of 2 years. Did you know that 30% of heat loss occurs through the head?

So do you have to wear a hat all the time? Obviously not!

It is recommended to leave the baby cap for a few hours after delivery. This gives it time to adapt very slowly to the outside temperature. You can also leave it in the delivery room all the time, it will not bother you at all.

On the other hand, if your baby is born prematurely or is underweight, consult your doctor to find out what to do.

Should you wear a hat in summer?

As you know, in winter it serves to protect you from the cold, and in summer it is recommended to protect yourself from the sun. His head is very delicate and we must prevent the sun’s rays from hitting it directly.


As we always mentioned, the most recommended fabrics for a baby are 100% cotton, organic cotton and dralon.

These hats are perfect to cover the baby’s head and protect it completely. Also the fabric is soft and delicate for the first months. In addition, these fabrics are suitable for your delicate skin.