One of the favorite moments for parents and ( some ) babies is bath time : it is a time in which we enjoy watching them and in which they tend to relax due to the effect of the water. However, when we are first-timers it is normal that during the first times we have some doubts: how to hold it, how long should it last, what products should I use, and the most common , what is the perfect temperature for the baby to be comfortable and at ease?

Relax: it is a common question and it is very important to solve it before starting. The ideal temperature of the water to bathe the baby should not be neither too cold nor too hot, so we must bear in mind that the normal temperature of his body ranges between 36 and 37 degrees in normal conditions. Therefore, the water should be approximately 35-37 degrees Celsius.

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In summer, can I bathe him with the water a little colder?

In the event that the baby is a newborn , it is not advisable to lower the water temperature, even in summer, because his body still does not regulate its temperature well and these changes can be very abrupt (taking into account its sensitivity).

Under this same argument, we should not increase the temperature of the bathroom if it is cold : we simply must make sure that the temperature of the environment and of our hands is pleasant for the baby.

Also Read: How to keep babys hand warm at night

How to measure the temperature of the water to bathe the baby?

If we are first timers, the normal thing is that they recommend us to use a thermometer for the bathtub (you can get them in pharmacies or in childcare stores). However, you can do it with the “traditional mode”, inserting the elbow to check that the water is warm and the sensation is pleasant on contact.