A newborn baby brings a lot of joy and new impressions to the family. Breastfeeding is a very rewarding process for the baby, which is both enjoyable and enjoyable. In addition, when mom puts the baby to her breast, she helps to establish the connection that is so necessary for the development and growth of the baby. But it so happens that for some reason, breastfeeding is difficult.

Why do some mothers need protective breast pads?

This is due to either painful sensations or a weak sucking reflex of the baby. In this case, nipple pads can help. for breastfeeding. Some mothers do not hesitate to use the term “salvation”, describing the unpleasant situations that have developed and the way out of them at the moment when they began to use silicone breastfeeding pads. However, experts have voiced several negative factors in the use of this attribute. In the article we will consider in detail all the pros and cons.

Do nursing pads provide comfort for lacting mothers?

What are nipple covers?

Silicone breastfeeding pads are convex, nipple-like shapes made of transparent polymer. They vary slightly in design and material of manufacture. But, overall, they are equally practical and easy to use. At the top of the lining there are holes through which the baby will suck out the mother’s milk. The wings of the lining (ie the parts that hold it on the chest) are soft and pleasant, the “nipple” itself is made of a slightly higher density polymer.



What are the nipple covers for?

A). As a rule, nipple covers are used in unusual situations so that the baby can receive full breastfeeding, and not expressed milk from a bottle.

Before the baby is born, the shape of a woman’s nipples hardly gives rise to additional worries. But, once in the hospital, sometimes you have to come to terms with the fact that the nipple is not convex enough (large / compact).

Moreover, “not enough” – refers only to the peculiarities of eating by your baby. And probably only in the early days. Even those mothers who regularly attend the “motherhood school” and prepare their nipples for constant exposure are not immune from the fact that this part of the breast (being the most sensitive) can get irritated or cracked.

You can rub your breasts with a terry towel (the “old-fashioned” method that modern doctors advise to completely exclude when preparing the nipples for feeding), but anyway, every time you apply the baby to the breast, feel painful sensations and impatiently wait for the minute when the baby is full.

Consider the special cases in which breastfeeding pads are used.

First of all – in case of cracks in the nipples. Almost every woman faces this. But the pain threshold is different for everyone. And if someone practically does not feel pain, then for some, these sensations are not bearable. The pads will protect the nipple from touching the tongue and getting large amounts of baby saliva. When the nipples heal and become immune to irritation, the pads are no longer necessary.

– The baby may have a sluggish sucking reflex.

There is a possibility that he may constantly “drop” the breast or try to “wrap” the nipple. Such situations are usually the result of birth trauma or fetal growth retardation. Or just an individual feature of the child. If the baby is weak and it is difficult for him to suckle, seek the help of a modern remedy. With the use of pads, the newborn will not be able to push the nipple out with his tongue and it will be much easier for him to access breast milk.

– If a woman’s nipple is flat and her breasts are dense, then even a strong and healthy baby can find it difficult to wrap his mouth around the desired part of the areola. In this case, you can use the pad as a temporary tool to form the shape of the nipple, which is convenient for the baby.


There is an opinion of experts that the pads do not contribute to the formation of the nipple and do not relieve pain, but many mothers, using the tool in practice, talk about directly opposite results.

– It is also possible to use breast pads during feeding when the baby’s teeth are erupting. At such moments, the baby can be capricious, so the nipple will be grabbed more dynamically, which can hurt the mother. The first few days after the onset of swelling of the gums, you can use soft pads to avoid sores and chafing on the breast areola.

From the foregoing, it should be concluded that feeding the baby using silicone nipple covers is only worth it if there is a need. If possible (with the disappearance of the reason that interferes with feeding the child in the usual way), they should be gradually abandoned.

B). Protective nipple pads can be worn at home to protect against contact with underwear, since there is space between the convex part of the nipple and the nipple and protects it from interaction with both polymer and fabric. If microcracks appear on the chest and it hurts to wear a bra, then this method is quite justified for a short time. But, do not forget that in this case, air access to the nipples is limited, and healing slows down. Also remember, after wearing the pads under the underwear, the holes can become clogged with the lint of the fabric. In this case, the pads must be cleaned and sterilized.

Pros and cons of using nipple covers

It is worth noting that any “help” (and nipple covers are no exception) has positive and negative aspects of its use.

What is the advantage of a modern remedy?

– The pads help the baby to learn to suckle in the event that any reasons caused the separation of the mother and the baby in the first days (weeks) of the baby’s life. Most often this is a resuscitation or quarantine block. The baby is already accustomed to the nipple, and the mother’s nipple seems unnatural to him. The pad will gradually “explain” to the baby the need to eat without additional funds.

– With the help of protective pads, you can “stretch” and, during feeding, maintain the shape of the nipple. As a rule, the baby makes pauses, during which the flat nipple (without the use of an overlay) can return to its original shape, and the child again has to “pull” it into the mouth. If he is almost full, he may be too lazy and not drink enough milk.

– If you use pads from the very beginning of feeding, then there is a possibility of preventing micro cracks and irritation. When mom’s baby is not the first and she knows that her breast is painfully sensitive to the process of natural feeding, then you can use polymer pads from the very first days and gradually “wean” from them. In this way, nipple injuries can be prevented. It’s easier than healing cracks.

Why are nipple pads uncomfortable? How to use them so as not to feel the negative sides of the application?

– The pads sometimes aggravate the root cause of their use – they additionally injure the nipple if used incorrectly or incorrectly sized. If a nursing mother has problems with breastfeeding and feeding, then it is better to contact a specialist and find out about ALL ways to solve the problem.

– Sometimes, when using pads, there is a tendency to reduce the amount of milk. This is because the areola and nipple are not sufficiently stimulated. The child slowly gains weight and becomes accustomed to malnutrition. The breastfeeding process, in this case, may end ahead of time.

– The kid sometimes gets used to linings so much that he categorically refuses to take the breast without them. The weaning process is very difficult and leads to irritability of the mother and child.

There are also objective indicators of the use of linings:

  • if the nipple of the breast is abnormal;
  • in case of a discrepancy between the sizes of the nipple and the baby’s mouth (the mother has a large nipple, and the baby has a small mouth);
  • the presence of birth injuries and disorders of the development of the central nervous system in a baby;
  • transition from the necessary artificial feeding to breastfeeding (for easy adaptation);
  • with an abnormal structure of the child’s oral cavity.

How to find the right pads

To understand which nipple covers are right for you, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of these accessories.

There are 3 types of overlays:

  • rubber ;
  • latex ;
  • silicone .

Breast pads made of rubber (the same latex, but with the addition of sulfur) are almost never used at the moment, since they are not an independent attribute. They are similar to regular pacifier nipples, attached to a plastic base and only then applied to the breast. With this design of the pad, the distance between the areola and the artificial nipple is too large. The baby sucks milk with difficulty and swallows excess air. In addition, milk accumulates at the base of the pad and becomes inaccessible to the baby.

Latex onlays are more modern. They are very soft and are therefore subject to rapid wear and tear. Latex absorbs odor very well, so the accessory often becomes unusable before the end of its useful life. In addition, latex sometimes provokes allergies, both in the mother and in the child.

The best nipple covers for breastfeeding are silicone products.

This material is very durable and flexible at the same time. It is easy to sterilize and does not cause allergies, since there are no antibodies to silicone in the blood. Silicone has been used successfully in various medical fields and is considered completely safe. These pads are very durable and practical. When using them, the areola is regularly stimulated, and the likelihood of a decrease in lactation decreases significantly.

You have decided to use nipple protectors. How to choose the right ones? First of all, pay attention to the certificates attached to the product. A quality accessory is always provided with instructions, confirmation of quality and safety of use. Under no circumstances use products that have a pronounced odor – they are unsuitable for feeding.

How to find the right size nipple covers?

The question is theoretically simple, but in practice (sometimes) you have to purchase several pairs in order to choose the most suitable ones for you and your baby.

The diameter of the inner notch of the pad should be slightly larger than the diameter of the breastfeeding mother’s nipple.

The nipple of the polymer pad should be no higher than the distance from the baby’s lips to the junction of the hard palate and the soft palate. If the height of the nipple pad is higher, then the baby’s lips will stimulate not the areola, but to the base of the nipple, which can contribute to a reduction in lactation and breast problems.

When considering several product options and deciding which nipple covers are best, go for the thinner and softer ones. This will ensure close contact between you and your baby during feeding. Such an accessory will adhere more tightly to the areola, and the baby will more easily adapt to the polymer pacifier.

It is necessary to clarify how to put on the nipple covers, otherwise even a carefully selected product may become useless. To ensure that the wings of the pad are in close contact with the chest, dampen the inner surface of the plate with water. Unscrew the pad completely (together with the nipple) and, starting from the top of the nipple of the breast, turn the polymer again until all surfaces are in full contact with the breast.

Care of linings

You will not find it difficult to care for breastfeeding pads. It is enough to thoroughly rinse them after each feeding and sterilize them like baby dishes – in a sterilizer by boiling in a saucepan / in a microwave oven.

Many women use nipple covers. It’s good if you don’t have to think about using this device for a single day. But if the need arises nevertheless, treat yourself with care. Choose the one that works best for you and purchase breastfeeding pads. Stay in touch with your baby and keep your joint comfort.