The feeding baby is extremely important for healthy growth. And many mothers prefer to make their own food than to buy it at the market.

Cooking baby food has its advantages because you know exactly what you are giving it, but you should also know that you have to take a lot of care before, during and after preparation.

Do not feed the child directly from the container

If you buy prepared food, it is recommended that you set aside a small portion in another container and serve it from there. The rest can be stored in the refrigerator, although not for long.

It is important that you do not use the same spoon to serve as to feed him, much less to share it. Saliva can contaminate food without our realizing it and young babies are ultra sensitive to bacteria and viruses.

If you feed it directly from the jar where all the baby’s food is, you should discard what is left over to avoid any problems.

Also Read: How to preserve homemade porridge

Tips for using the refrigerator for storing baby food safely

In case you decide to save food, do not do it for more than 24 hours with meats and / or eggs. If it is pureed fruits  or vegetables, you can keep them for one more day.

Avoid leaving containers open, both inside and outside the refrigerator. The cross – contamination of food can stimulate the generation of bacteria in food. After a cooked food has been at room temperature for more than 2 hours, it is best to discard it.

Older people already have a stronger and more developed immune system so that bacteria do not harm us, but babies are still very vulnerable.


Tips to freeze safely

To save space in the freezer, you can use ice trays. Not only that, it will also help you make several trays at the same time and with different flavors.

Using the ice cube trays to freeze the baby’s food allows you to know the exact amount of what he eats. Also, you don’t have to throw away all the food in case you don’t finish it because you can use one bucket at a time.

Before using them, wash them well with warm soapy water. If it is resistant to boiling water even better. After frozen, you can transfer the cubes to plastic bags and use the labels. Just remember not to defrost food at room temperature and that’s it.

I hope these tips for preserving baby food will serve you well and put them into practice. They are of utmost importance to avoid food contamination and to properly store homemade food .