Are you going to  prepare the baby’s bottle  and do not know how to do it correctly? New parents face this task, which can be difficult at first. The bottle is an essential accessory for feeding the baby , especially during its first months of life, and it is important to know the basic steps to prepare it properly, either at home or in the park. 

If for whatever reason you do not breastfeed your baby,  the following  tips to prepare the baby’s bottle  will be of great help and will get you out of more than one trouble. In addition, you can meet the nutritional needs of the baby and guarantee their health and well-being so that they grow healthy and strong.

Recommendations to prepare the bottle correctly

When preparing the baby’s bottle , it is essential to follow a series of steps. The first thing you should know about  preparing a baby’s bottle every day is that you should prepare one just before each feeding  and discard any excess milk. Other  recommendations to prepare the bottle  that we propose are the following:

1. Prepare and clean the utensils

Without a doubt, the first step is to  sterilize the bottle,  nipples and other accessories before using them for the first time. Put the bottle and the rest of the utensils in a saucepan with water to boil for 5 minutes . Afterward, dry all items with a clean towel and wring them out. This process should always be repeated before taking the shots.

2. wash your hands

The hygiene of the person who is going to give the bottle is essential to handle the bottle and any other accessories for feeding the baby . In this way, infections or contagions are prevented. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water , including your nails and the spaces between your fingers.

3. Check the date on the bottle

Believe it or not, bottles have an expiration date that should be respected. If it has expired or there is little time to exceed the recommended date for consumption, it is advisable that you discard it and buy a new one.

4. Follow the directions on the package

It is essential to follow the pediatrician’s recommendations to calculate the amount of milk that the bottle should contain. Do not exceed or reduce the amounts recommended  by the specialist. In the case of formula milk. use the meter that you will find in the container, shave the powder with the help of a spoon and put it in the bottle to dissolve it in the water.

5. Pay attention to the temperature of the milk

Many new moms and dads don’t know how hot the milk should be in the bottle. This is something that will depend on your baby’s preferences . In this sense, there are babies who prefer to drink milk at room temperature, while others do not taste the milk unless it is very hot. Before you start to bottle-feed your son or daughter, check the temperature of the milk by spilling a few drops on your hand. If possible, it must be warm (between 35ºC and 37ºC).

6. Shake the milk well

To ensure that there are no lumps that can clog the nipple of the bottle, it is essential that you mix the water and milk well. This mixture should always be done at the time of giving the baby the bottle  and never before, in order to keep the milk warm and prevent it from becoming contaminated.

7. If there is milk left over, throw it out

As we have already mentioned, it is very important that you throw away the milk that has been left over from each feeding. Don’t keep it in the fridge or leave it on the kitchen counter or in your purse. This will prevent it from becoming contaminated with germs and microbes.